Credit needs to be given to all those who aided in one way or another with the development of this bibliography. Numerous military libraries provided their card catalog listings, including special holdings that may appear as incomplete references. Those libraries include:
Academy Library
USAF Academy
USAF Academy, Colorado
Air University Library
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama
Schuyler Otis Bland Memorial Library
Merchant Marine Academy
Kings Point, New York
James Carson Breckinridge Library
Marine Corps
Quantico, Virginia
Carlisle Barracks Library
Army War College
Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania
Combined Arms Research Library
Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas
Eglin Base Library
Eglin Air Force Base
Eglin AFB, Florida
Headquarters Library
Air Systems Command
Andrews AFB
Washington, D.C.
National Defense University Library
Newport, Rhode Island
Nimitz Library
Naval Academy
Annapolis, Maryland
Technical Library
Naval Air Systems Command
Washington, D.C.
Coast Guard Library
Coast Guard Academy
New London, Connecticut
Military Academy Library
Military Academy
West Point, New York
Wheeler Base Library
Wheeler AFB, Hawaii
Many individuals also provided references to be included. This list will be up-dated periodically, but as of early 1996, it includes:
C. Aimone
M. Barone
J. Fleenor
J. Hester
L. Zealberg